EU Innovation Fund Backs Vianode with a €90M Award for Construction of a Synthetic Graphite Facility

By Sophia Francise

July 15, 2023

Norwegian- based Vianode has been selected for a EUR 90 million ($101 million) EU Innovation Fund grant that will go towards a large-scale battery materials plant.

The company, which is a producer of advanced battery materials with a greener footprint, is preparing for a large-scale plant to upscale the innovative production of synthetic graphite.

The European Commission awards this grant through the EU Innovation Fund which attracts more than 200 applications. 

The Vionade large-scale battery materials plant project is part of the 41 large-scale clean tech projects that will receive the EUR 3.6 billion award.

The funding aims to bring highly innovative technologies to the market by demonstrating innovative low-carbon technologies and supporting the vision for a climate-neutral Europe by 2050. 

It is primarily funded through the EU Emission Trading System and managed by CINEA, the European Commission’s agency responsible for decarbonization and sustainable growth. 

The grant will bring Vianode’s vision a step closer to achieving a larger expansion plan that will deliver battery materials to 2 million EVs per year by 2030. 

This was initially demonstrated in a successful pilot production which the company is now riding on to scale up toward large-scale production in Norway.

Vianode produces a range of anode graphite products with up to 90 percent lower CO2 emissions than today’s standard materials and are known for their unique performance characteristics.[1] 

It also supports leading battery cell and automotive manufacturers’ aim to accelerate the green transition.

“The grant demonstrates the European Commission’s conviction in Vianode as a prominent vehicle to cut greenhouse gas emissions and drive technological innovation through a scalable and competitive value proposition. Financial governmental support is one of several key framework conditions necessary to succeed with responsible electrification in Europe,” says Hans Erik Vatne, interim CEO and COO in Vianode.


  1. Vianode, ‘Vianode selected for grant award from EU Innovation Fund for large-scale battery materials plant’, 14 July 2023,[]